What Does the Bible Say About Helping a Family Member

should I give money to family

We accept all had those moments when a family member asks for money. And if yous haven't you can bet you volition at some point.

And if y'all are anything similar me, you want to assist because you love them. Simply you don't desire to make the relationship bad-mannered and you lot don't want to create any dependence.

I am so glad God has already provided wisdom for us in His Discussion!

As we all know family relationships can be very complicated, and each situation is different. Only permit's await at a petty of what the Bible says near it.

iv things the Bible say virtually helping your family financially

1. We need to care for our family.

Accolade your father and your female parent, as the Lord your God has allowable you.

Deuteronomy 5:16

God instructs children to honor their parents. When do your parents quit being your parents? Well, never. We are to honor our parents our whole lives, including caring for them if they need information technology.

There are some caveats to this which we'll bear on on later, but if your parents demand your help and you can do so financially, you lot are encouraged to practice and so.

Start children off on the way they should become, and even when they are former they will non plough from information technology.

Proverbs 22:6

Helping your family financially includes providing for your children when they are young. It as well includes training them in the way God commands. Nosotros train our children to work diligently, to care for others with kindness, and to requite.

Training children in Biblical principles surrounding money is an excellent way to help them grow into self-sufficient adults.

Of form, their monetary decisions will be their own, but if you tin teach them from lessons yous've learned, hopefully, their mistakes will be fewer and less impactful on their financial futures.

Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their ain household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

1 Timothy 5:8

If whatever woman who is a believer has widows in her care, she should continue to help them and not let the church be burdened with them, so that the church can help those widows who are really in need.

1 Timothy v:16

The first verse here is sometimes used every bit a weapon amidst family members to guilt another into giving them money.

But let'due south await at this poesy in context.

Paul is instructing the believers to care for those in their families – namely widows – who needed assist. Merely some families who had the ways to do then were not, instead expecting the church to care for the widows.

Here's the thing: Yes, the church helps widows and those in need, just in that location are often express resource to do so. Shouldn't they be helping the people who take no one else to aid them?

Of course, if a family unit fellow member can intendance for himself or herself, you lot don't have an obligation to take care of them, but you can encourage them in contentment and hard work.

2. It'southward non a good thought to lend money to family unit members.

Be not ane of those who give pledges, who put upward security for debts. If you accept nothing with which to pay, why should your bed be taken from under you?

Proverbs 22:26-27

The Bible really has a lot to say most co-signing loans – none of which is good (if y'all are remotely considering co-signing, click that link and read that commodity).

And co-signing only happens to be i of the most mutual requests from family members. This is not a not bad idea for several reasons, the well-nigh prominent existence that you lot are risking the wellbeing of your own household.

In result, co-signing a loan is the aforementioned matter as lending coin to a family member. But say no.

The rich dominion over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

Proverbs 22:7

It'south articulate from Scripture that God isn't a large fan of debt. But what most within families? Is it wise for family members to loan money to one another?

Whenever a loan is set within a family unit, the relationship between the two parties changes. You move from a family unit relationship to a borrower-lender dynamic.

If you lend money to your blood brother, how would you lot experience if he took an expensive vacation before paying you back?

What virtually if he never paid you lot dorsum?

The relationship would about likely be broken from both sides – y'all'd be resentful that your money wasn't returned to yous, and your blood brother might feel guilty that he never paid you back, so he only stops talking to yous birthday.

Now, I'k non maxim that you should never help your family unit financially.

Only if a situation arises in which someone needs help, and you have the means to practise so, yous can e'er just requite them the coin.

If you lot make up one's mind to lend money to a family fellow member, it's a proficient idea to put an understanding in writing with a articulate repayment schedule and then y'all both sympathise the expectations.

3. Giving to family is skilful.

"In everything I did, I showed you lot that by this kind of hard work nosotros must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'Information technology is more blest to give than to receive.'"

Acts 20:35

As Christians, nosotros are encouraged to give generously. In that location are so many benefits of giving freely of our abundance. And yes, this can include giving to family unit members.

Put yourself in the position of a young adult, fresh out of college. Their student loan payments may be coming upwardly shortly, and they're wondering how they're going to make their finances work with an entry-level job.

Wouldn't filling up their fridge and pantry for them in their new flat be such a blessing for them? Or mayhap you lot could buy them a new piece of furniture for their apartment.

If you're in a better fiscal position than they are, the coin spent could exist a wonderful way to give of your affluence.

4. Encourage contentment and hard piece of work amidst your family unit members.

And my God will encounter all your needs co-ordinate to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians iv:19

God doesn't say He will meet all our wants; He says he will meet all our needs. Encouraging our family members in contentment is one way we tin help them financially.

For even when we were with y'all, we gave you this rule: "The i who is unwilling to work shall non eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:x

Yes, we can give money to our family unit members, but nosotros should also encourage them to provide for themselves if possible.

It'south not fair for adult children to regularly ask their parents for coin to cover expenses when they are not willing to get a job and have intendance of themselves.

For nosotros brought goose egg into the world, and we tin take goose egg out of it. Merely if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

ane Timothy 6:7-eight

There are multiple Bible verses well-nigh delectation, but this is typically the starting time that pops into people'southward minds. If your family member is truly in need of aid with things like food, clothing, and housing, we can certainly help them.

But if they demand money for frivolous things and/or aren't willing to back up themselves, you have no financial obligation to gift them the money to pay for these things.

Family relationships are complicated, and every state of affairs is unlike. Hopefully, this is a beginning as you prayerfully decide how best to help your loved ones.


Source: https://seedtime.com/helping-family-financially/#:~:text=Proverbs%2022%3A6,with%20kindness%2C%20and%20to%20give.

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